Fibaro HC2 - Integration of SMARWI window opener

Fibaro HC2 - Integration of SMARWI window opener

Based on the guideline and instructions from our loyal customer, we provide instructions for integrating the SMARWI device into the Z-Wave control unit Fibaro Home Center 2.

Thank you very much for tip, tutorial, virtual device and icon!

What is SMARWI?

  • Device for controlling opening / closing of windows via mobile, tablet, PC via local network or remote Internet.
  • This device is designed for automated, electronically controlled opening or closing of windows, thus ensuring the supply of fresh air to the room.
  • Open the windows automatically and effortlessly - SMARWI helps to improve the air quality in the room and thus increases the comfort of living.
  • Window opening can be scheduled in time schedules, and automated scenes can be created based on weather forecasts when integrating into the Z-Wave control unit.
  • SMARWI supports the API, which is published on the manufacturer's site (link) and can therefore be integrated into various Z-Wave controllers. The device is powered from an electrical outlet. Connecting to the Internet is via your WiFi network.
  • The construction of the device allows simple installation without the need for drilling or other adjustments of the window.
  • Know what you need to know before you buy this device - HERE.
  • More info at manufacturer's site.


Instruction for SMARWI integration into Fibaro Home Center 2 as a virtual device. This virtual device allows you to send HTTP request / s to SMARWI and control it via the Open, Close and Stop buttons.

Note: VD -> Virtual Device = Virtual Device in Fibaro = what is the VD you will learn - HERE

Virtual Device Installation:

  • Make sure the SMARWI device is logged on to your WiFi network
  • Log in to the Fibaro HC2 control panel and click on the device panel-> Add / Remove Device-> Import Virtual Device

fibaro import virtualneho zariadenia

  • Select SMARWI_v1.2.vfib (to download) for SMARWI with firmware 202.x
  • Select SMARWI_v1.3.vfib (to download) for SMARWI with firmware 230.x
  • Wait for the import and then go to advanced settings

fibaro smarwi virtualne zariadenie

  • Insert IP address of installed SMARWI device
  • The IP address can be easily accessed on in settings/info if the user has created an account
  • Insert TCP port 80
  • Click Change icon
  • On the icon selection page, click Select File and select smarwi_128x128.png (to download)
  • The device image is added to the icon library
  • Go to advanced settings. Below is the Main Loop block.

fibaro smarwi

  • Because SMARWI can be controlled in several ways, the system needs to know whether it is open or closed (when you open the window by the button at the window, HC2 needs to know somehow). The script in the main loop is performed every second and detects this state. The status is written to the variable. Closed is 0, open 1. This is a variable okno_lo. Change the name as needed. You must have a separate variable created for each SMARWI device. The variable is used in scenes.
  • Here's how to create a variable. Click the Panels icon, select the Variables panel. Click the Add button and fill in the name of the variable, leave the value at 0 and save.
  • An example of a successful import looks like this

fibaro smarwi virtualne zariadenie

Posted on 30.01.2018 Tutorials and Tips, FIBARO, FIBARO HC2 5 13632


  • Radek Svoboda

    Radek Svoboda 22.05.2020 Reply

    Je mozna integrace do HC3?
    • SmarterHOME Team

      SmarterHOME Team 26.05.2020 Reply

      Dobrý deň,
      Ďakujeme za dotaz.

      Integrácia do HC3 bude možná, nakoľko sa ale syntax LUA v HC3 zmenila je potrebná úprava Virtuálneho zariadenia na QuickApp podľa dokumentácie

      Ďakujeme za pochopenie.
      Pekný deň.
      SmarterHOME Team
  • Brano

    Brano 12.03.2019 Reply

    Vďaka za návod ! Dnes som úspešne integroval smarwi do fibara a spokojnosť, zariadenie je tiché takže vetranie v noci nieje problém. Prepojenie na vnútornú stanicu Netatmo a vonkajšie žalúzie spôsobilo naozaj smart spálňu.
  • Miroslav Gomba

    Miroslav Gomba 02.02.2019 Reply

    da sa to kupit aj u nas na Slovensku?
    • SmarterHOME

      SmarterHOME 03.02.2019 Reply

      Smarwi je možné zakúpiť online na:

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