Home automation and control with Apple HomeKit

Home automation and control with Apple HomeKit

Search for Apple HomeKit

Do you own Apple smartphones? Then you will definitely take the opportunity and make sure your household can be defined as intelligent. If you download the Apple HomeKit application and acquire the control unit and devices that support the app, you can easily gain control over security systems, using sensors and detectors, or even lighting or heating. Your new Apple HomeKit products can still work with iOS, WatchOS, and tvOS. Devices that support the app are pretty good on the market and will also make you happy about their affordability. For example, embellish Fibaro products bearing the Works with Apple HomeKit label. Their design and functionality are truly unique and fit into every modern home or business. So, once you invest in intelligent technologies, you can enjoy great results for a few months. Thanks to Apple HomeKit, you can also control energy consumption and record numbers to customize your consumer behavior.

Home control is simple

You will love your life in a smart home. Apple HomeKit just adds the devices you want to control by simply clicking on the character to add or attach the smartphone to the selected device. In the application, you can create individual rooms of your home and add the devices that are in them. Then you will easily turn off the lights only in the hall or in the living room with just one click. Apple HomeKit also lets you set up your own scenes, how and when your home appliances behave, even after your own business. It is obvious that you receive subscription notifications about household status and you can easily control your smart home remotely.

Posted on 28.01.2018 Tutorials and Tips, Apple Homekit - články 2 10269


  • Gustav Hulik

    Gustav Hulik 24.11.2019 Reply

    Dobrý deň,

    viete mi prosím Vás poradiť Apple HomeKit kompatibilný hub pre IR a RF ovládanie TV,...

    Ďakujem pekne.

    • SmarterHOME Team

      SmarterHOME Team 25.11.2019 Reply

      Dobrý deň,
      ďakujeme za dotaz.
      Hub pre IR a RF kompatibilný s Apple HomeKit nemáme a pravdepodobne taký hub pre Apple HomeKit priamo neexistuje.

      Je tu však alternatívne riešenie, potrebujete mať Homebridge, ktorý beží na nejakom serveri napr. NAS:

      Pekný deň.

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