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SHELLY HomeKit Support (Open Source)

SHELLY HomeKit Support - Alternative Open-Source Firmware

You have been asking about HomeKit Support for a long time, and Mongoose OS now has support for HomeKit, there is HomeKit-enabled firmware for Shelly 1 and Shelly 1PM and Shelly 2.5 and Shelly Plug S!

More updated info at

This is still in an early stage and only supports basic features (doesn't include power-metering or roller shutter mode on Shelly 2.5), but is completely open-source and open for contributions. We invite anyone interested in using Shelly devices with HomeKit to give this a try. See the GitHub repository for instructions, feel free to ask here for help!

Apple HomeKit firmware for Shelly switches

This firmware exposes Shelly 1, Shelly 1PM, Shelly Plug S, Shelly 2 and Shelly 2.5 as Apple HomeKit accessories.

Firmware is compatible with stock and can be uploaded via OTA (see below).

Reverting to stock firmware is also supported (see below).

At the moment only switch functionality is supported - no scheduling, power measurement, etc.

Updating from stock firmware

Watch a 2 minute video.

Where A.B.C.D stands for IP address of Shelly device.


Before device can be added to a Home, setup code needs to be configured (via web interface). Pick any code.

  • Some obvious combinations like 111-11-111 are explicitly disallowed by Apple and will not be accepted.
  • Note that code is not stored on the device in plain text and it is not possible what the current setting is.

Provision WiFi station (if not yet).

You should see Shelly1 switch accessory in the list of available accessories and be able to add it with the setup code you entered earlier.



Device can be recovered from invalid wifi configuration with one of two methods:

  • On Shelly 2.5 press and hold the button for 10 seconds.
  • On both models within first 60 seconds of boot, toggle input switch 10 times in succession.

Both of these methods will make device go int AP mode where they can be reconfigured.

If the device does not appear in the list of accessories when adding, try resetting the HomeKit status from the web interface.


More info at -

  • Pe***

    Pe*** 01.08.2024

    I have a problem, I connected the Shelly 1PM Shelly HomeKit to wall heater. It seems it wors well, on my phone, also sound of switching can be heard but problem is, even if I turn Shelly on or off, the wall heater gets the power and heats. So there is no control of the circuit at all by the Shelly.
  • Vl***

    Vl*** 10.04.2024

    Dobrý den,
    chci se zeptat zda SW lze použit příp. jaký použit pro shelly PRO 1. Musím použit nejaký co má LAN kabel, přip. beru i beta verzi
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 10.04.2024

      Dobrý deň,
      tento alternatívny firmvér nie je dostupný pre Shelly PRO sériu.
      Skúste sa pozrieť napr. na Homebridge a cez ten dostanete Shelly zariadenia do HomeKit-u.
      Pekný deň.
  • Ma******

    Ma****** 23.11.2023

    Hi, I have a Shelly 1PM with a Shelly Plus add-on. I have connected five DS18B20 Temperature Sensors to this setup. Native firmware works fine and temperature from all sensores can be read. But after upgrade to Homekit firmware I can see no trace of the add-on or the sensores. According to documentation this is suposed to be a supported setup. Any clue what I might be doing wrong here?
    • Sm*********

      Sm********* 23.11.2023

      sorry, no clue what issue could be.
      Please contact firmware developer.
      Have a nice day.
  • Mi*****

    Mi***** 13.06.2023

    Dobrý den,

    2.5 bylo nahrazeno za 2PM. Jak je to s HOMEKIT u tohoto nového spínaného relé?

    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 13.06.2023

      Dobrý deň,
      Shelly Plus 2PM zatiaľ nemá podporu.
      Skontrolovať si to viete na odkaze -
      Pekný deň.
  • Rú**** ***os

    Rú**** ***os 29.05.2022


    Can I do it on a Shelly 1 Plus?
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 30.05.2022

      unfortunately, not yet.
      Have a nice day.
  • Ma**** ***ny

    Ma**** ***ny 21.01.2022

    Dobry den,
    Muzu poprosit o radu? Asi delam neco zle, kdyz se prihlasim na web modulu ( vypnu zapnu, zarovka reaguje ) a pak zkopiruji adresu dle videa, doplnim svou ip modulu, objevi se mi stejny text o nahravani noveho softwaru, ale kdyz dam zpet a aktualizovat, uz se mi to nezmeni jako ve videu abych mohl nastavit kod pro HK.
    Dekuji za pripadnou radu
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 24.01.2022

      Dobrý deň,
      po prehraní firmvéru sa náhodou nezmenila IP adresa modulu ? Pozrite si pripojené zariadenia v routeri.
      Prehranie firmvéru prešlo korektne?
      Pekný deň.
  • Lu***

    Lu*** 16.01.2022

    Lze se kdykoliv vratit z Homekit firmwaru na puvodni firmware? Nebo to je pouze jednosmerna cesta? Dekuji
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 17.01.2022

      Dobrý deň,
      je možné sa vrátiť. Proces však robíte na vlastnú zodpovednosť.
      Pekný deň.
      • Lu***

        Lu*** 18.01.2022

        Jeste bych mel jeden dotaz. Kdyz si tedy prehraji na Home Kit fw tak tam stale nejde nijak nastavit automatizace v podobe (casove od-do vypni/zapni…)? Dekuji
        • Sm********* **am

          Sm********* **am 20.01.2022

          Dobrý deň,
          všetky dostupné automatizácie v Homekit nájdete tu -
          Pekný deň.
  • St****

    St**** 18.10.2021

    Zdravím, nevíte náhodou jestli tam je i podpora Shelly 3EM? Pořídil jsem tento model a mám jej maximálně v aplikaci EVE a HomeKit to sice vidi ale pise ze nepodporuje. Díky
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 19.10.2021

      Dobrý deň,
      bohužiaľ podpora HomeKit pre Shelly 3EM zatiaľ nie je.
      Pekný deň.
  • Sa****

    Sa**** 27.07.2021

    Dobry den,
    provedl jsem flashovani, zapojil k vypinacum. Vse funguje zda se. Ale kdyz se pripojim k domacnosti pres LTE tak vsechny vypinace jsou nedostupne. Mate nejakou radu? Predem dekuji.
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 28.07.2021

      Dobrý deň,
      používate pre HomeKit nejakú centrálu ako je napr. HomePod, Apple TV alebo iPad, ktoré sú stále v domácnosti, kde sú nainštalované Shelly produkty s HomeKit firmvérom?

      Ak takúto centrálu nemáte tak HomeKit komunikácia bude obmedzená len na lokálne použitie, to znamená nefunguje cez Apple Cloud a tým pádom neviete zariadenia ovládať na diaľku.

      Pekný deň.
      • Sa****

        Sa**** 11.08.2021

        Dobry den,
        mam Apple TV, bez toho by to ani neslo. Problem je, ze to nefunguje kdyz je ATV pripojena do site kabelem. Kdyz pripojim pres WiFi na stejnou sit tak to jde. Mam dvoupasmovy router a kdyz je to pres kabel tak to asi neumi se pripojit na sit 2.3
  • Al***

    Al*** 12.05.2021

    Ahoj, dobrý den,
    když takto připojím do HK, tak už nejde ovládat přes aplikaci SHELLY ?
    Přestalo mi to totiž fungovat.
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 18.05.2021

      Dobrý deň,
      s týmto firmvérom je možné Shelly modul používať len v rámci HK. V aplikácii Shelly už nefunguje.
      Pekný deň.
      SmarterHOME Team
  • Ju*** ********ki

    Ju*** ********ki 27.12.2020

    When Shelly 1L support this Apple Homekit Firmware?
    • Zd****

      Zd**** 26.03.2021

      Hello, did you find out anything about Shelly 1L?
      • Sm********* **am

        Sm********* **am 15.10.2021

        thank you for your comment.
        Regarding this, you should contact Shelly support for proper response -
        Thank you for understanding.
        Have a nice day.
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 29.12.2020

      thank you for your comment.
      Regarding this, you should contact Shelly support for proper response -
      Thank you for understanding.
      Have a nice day.
  • Jo***

    Jo*** 09.05.2020

    Thanks for the firmware and the clear instructions. This works very well. I am using a Shelly 1PM in conjunction with a temperature meter. Unfortunately this does not seem to be recognised by HomeKit, but from the Github instructions I understand that this is the expected behaviour. Would be a great addition for a future project to integrate temperature. Thanks again!
    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 11.05.2020

      Hello Jonas,
      thank for your contacting us.

      Yes, Working Shelly 1PM with temperature sensor would be great addition to HomeKit.

      Have a nice day.
      SmarterHOME Team
  • Lá****** ***th

    Lá****** ***th 06.05.2020

    Dear All,

    I'm using Shelly 2.5 fro roller shutter operation. I understand that it's unfortunately not yet supported in the custom HomeKit firmware. Anyway I'd like to know what will happen if I update the stock firmware.
    Do you have an estimation when will this functionality be added?
    I'm a volunteer for testing if it helps in the development. :)

    • Sm********* **am

      Sm********* **am 11.05.2020

      Hello Laszlo,

      We are not developers of this custom firmware - you should conctact developer at GitHub for beta testing.

      Have a nice day.
      SmarterHOME Team
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