Hierarchy of the Z-Wave system

Hierarchy of the Z-Wave system


Hierarchy of the Z-Wave system

 What you need to know to automatize your house using the Z-Wave system


exclamation markYou need a control unit to control the Z-Wave devices.


At the beginning we must explain what Z-Wave is in fact:

Z-Wave is a wireless technology specifically developed for the intelligent control of households, houses and buildings. It ensures communication among various ordinary electronic devices in households, their remote inspection and control. The Z-Wave devices communicate with each other using a wireless signal with the frequency of 868.42MHz (EU).

To use the Z-Wave system you need to have the following items in your house:

  • internet connection
  • Z-Wave control unit
  • Z-Wave devices (actuators, sensors) 

hierarchy of z-wave system

Internet connection

- you need it to have your house or flat under control also remotely. If you do not have an internet connection you can still control your Z-Wave devices locally using a tablet, mobile phone or the Z-Wave remote controllers.

Z-Wave control unit

- it connects to the LAN network (with or without internet connection). It is possible to connect each control unit using the following:

  • Local access - this is a connection to the control unit when both the control unit and the device, that you use to connect to the control unit, are in the same network.
  • Remote access - the internet connnection is necessary here, and this is a connection to the control unit when the control unit and the device, that you use to connect to the control unit, are not in the same network, e.g. the control unit is connected into your home internet network and you want to connect into it from a mobile network in your mobile device (mobile telephone, tablet, notebook ...).

The entire system is controlled by the Z-Wave control unit - the brain that receives information from the sensors (movement), evaluates them and decides what the modules should do (the dimmer turns on the lights). You send out a command from your PC, tablet or mobile phone to turn off the lights in the hall and  the home centre immediately sends out a signal into the dimmer to turn off the lights.

Types of control units:

Z-Wave Gateways (IP controllers) - are independent control units, for their operation you need an internet connection using an Ethernet cable or supply adapter.

Z-Wave PC adapters - when connected to a PC or Raspberry PI, they start to send out a Z-Wave signal thus creating a Z-Wave network. To use the Z-Wave network you need a PC or Raspberry PI.

Remote and wall-mounted controllers - this type of control units can be divided into two categories:

  • Independent controllers - these controllers are able to create a Z-Wave network and, using the associations of the device, they are also able to control these devices (e.g. Aeon Labs Minimote)
  • Secondary controllers - these controllers must be part of the Z-Wave network that includes a  Z-Wave Gateways control unit (IP controller) or Z-Wave PC adapters (e.g. Fibaro Swipe)

The Z-Wave devices can be divided as follows:

Actuators - devices performing some functions, activities. You can use the actuators to control the lightning (tun on/off, dimming, RGBW colours), the roller blinds, air conditioning and heating, watering, multimedia, IP cameras, security systems, sirens, and using a Z-Wave socket you can control all electric appliances.

Sensors - devices you can use to monitor the status of the environment and the conditions of the surroundings in your house. A wide range of sensors are available to monitor the movements, door or window openings, the temperature, humidity, CO and smoke levels, water detection, lightning, UV radiation, and if you use a universal sensor you can interconnect the Z-Wave system with the already used cable sensors.

Measuring devices - they measure electric energy, gas and water consumption.


exclamation markYou need a control unit to control the Z-Wave devices.

Posted on 30.03.2016 Tutorials and Tips, Z-Wave - Educational Articles 2 21987


  • Matúš Slobodník

    Matúš Slobodník 15.02.2021 Reply

    Dobrý deň mám RD kde mam kúrenie riešené turbo kotlom riadator plus podlahove kúrenie ovládané jedným termostatom a chcel by som to prerobiť indeligentne hlavice radiátorov aby som vedel v každej izbe samostatne spustiť kúrenie plus jeden okruh pre podlahovku. Bez nutnosti tahania káblov. Radiátorov je 5 ks podlahové ma síce 5 okruhov ale sú to spojené miestnosti otvorené čiže netreba to zonovat ale brat len ako jeden okruk. Ďakujem. Slobodník Matúš, 0903947723
    • SmarterHOME Team

      SmarterHOME Team 15.02.2021 Reply

      Dobrý deň,
      ďakujeme za dotaz.
      Ozvite sa nám prosím na podpora@smarterhome.sk
      Poradíme Vám vhodné zariadenia, poprípade Vám odporučíme inštalatéra.
      Pekný deň.

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