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Search for "LUA Skript"

LUA: Fibaro Swipe

Implementations and setting the device for the triggering of the Fibaro Swipe scenes using the LUA script.
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Popp Keyfob and Fibaro HC 2

In this brief instructions we show you how to use the feature of the remote controller to work under one Fibaro HC2 control unit.
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Fibaro HC2 - setting the Vision ZM1701 lock

Set the Vision ZM1701 lock correctly in the Fibaro Home Center 2 control unit.
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What are the Wake Up and Polling intervals

In this short blog we will try to explain what the Wake Up and Polling intervals are used for.
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LUA: Danfoss RS – Thermostat

LUA script for Fibaro HC2. Use the Danfoss Z-Wave room sensor as a thermostat and set the temperature in the thermostatic heads using it.
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Fibaro HC2 Find out who is at home!

Find out who is at home and who is connected into the local home network using the Fibaro HC2 control unit.
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LUA: Fibaro Button

LUA script to start scenes using the Fibaro Button
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Using Aeon Labs Minimote in Fibaro HCL

How to use Aeon Labs Minimote in Fibaro HCL using a flow chart.
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Fibaro HC2: Fibaro Wallplug - changing the colour

Simple instructions for changing the colour of the Fibaro smart socket in the Fibaro HC2 control unit using a virtual device.
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