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Popp Keyfob and Fibaro HC 2

In these brief instructions we will show you how to use the feature of the remote controller to work under one Fibaro HC2 control unit.

The Popp Key Fob Controller (KFOB-C) is a four-button Z-Wave device designed for remote and wireless control of the Z-Wave devices connected into your automatization network. The four buttons on the device can be used to control the devices such as the switches, dimmers ...

Adding a device into the the Z-wave network

First, it is necessary to add the device into the Z-Wave network created by the Fibaro HC2 control unit. This process is carried out in the following way:

  • Start the process for adding the Z-wave device - tab Devices - Add or remove devices - Add.
  • The time interval starts, during which it is necessary to add the device.
  • On the Popp Keyfob device hold down all the buttons, then the LED indicator will blink green, then push button 2.
  • The device is added into the network and the process will be completed.

Changing the parameters

if you want each button to work separately and to send the stimuli for starting a scene, it is necessary to change the respective, factory-set parameters in the following way:

  • Enter the advanced settings of the device.
  • Then scroll downwards and click the Add parameter button.
  • Fill in the parameters according to the figure below and then the device is ready to define a scene.
  • Of course, you must remember the ID of the Popp Keyfob device, in our case 1547.
  • Then it is necessary to save the settings and to wake up the Popp Keyfob device (on the Popp Keyfob device hold down all the buttons, the LED indicator will start to blink and then push button 2).

Popp Keyfob

LUA scene

Then it is necessary to create a LUA scene in which you define which buttons are used for which actions, this means what scenes or devices are controlled.

In the particular scene you should modify the following, besides the described comments:

In line 3 and line 7 change ID 1547 to the ID of your Popp Keyfob.

%% properties 
1547 sceneActivation 
%% globals 

local ButtonPressed = fibaro:getValue(1547, "sceneActivation"); -- 1547 je treba zmenit na ID vaseho Keyfobu, takisto aj v 3 riadku

-- tlacidlo 1
if ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 11) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 1 bolo stlacene raz")
fibaro:startScene(11); -- spusti scenu s ID 11 - id sceny po rozkliknuti danej sceny najdete v url adrese
fibaro:call(1382, "turnOn"); -- zapne zariadenie s ID 1382

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 12) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 1 bolo stlacene dva razy")

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 13) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 1 bolo podrzane")

-- tlacidlo 2
elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 21) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 2 bolo stlacene raz")

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 22) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 2 bolo stlacene dva razy")

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 23) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 2 bolo podrzane")

-- tlacidlo 3
elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 31) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 3 bolo stlacene raz") 

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 32) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 3 bolo stlacene dva razy")
elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 33) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 3 bolo podrzane")

-- tlacidlo 4
elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 41) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 4 bolo stlacene raz")

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 42) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 4 bolo stlacene dva razy")

elseif ( tonumber(ButtonPressed) == 43) then 
fibaro:debug("Tlacidlo 4 bolo podrzane")
-- else 
-- fibaro:debug("No response") 

Removing a device from the Z-Wave network

If it is necessary to remove a device from the Z-Wave network created by the Fibaro HC2 control unit, this process is carried out as follows:

  • Start the process for adding a Z-Wave device - tab Devices - Remove device.
  • The time interval is started during which you must remove the device.
  • On the Popp Keyfob device hold down all the buttons, the LED indicator will start to blink and then push button 2.
  • The device is removed from the network and then the process is completed.

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